Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 495 is located in Cambridge, Ohio. We provide the best quality work today. We currently have 779 members and we are growing rapidly. We cover eleven counties in Ohio, and two in West Virginia.
Our training facility is in the same complex as our local union offices. Our apprentices and journeymen are trained in plumbing, pipefitting, and welding fields. Continuous training is of the utmost importance to us.
UA Members pride themselves in
Protecting the Health of Our Nation & Doing It Right the First Time.

Service Areas
We cover a total of fourteen counties including the following 11 in Ohio:
Guernsey, Muskingum, Coshocton, Holmes, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Harrison, Noble, Jefferson, Columbiana, Morgan
We also cover the following counties in West Virginia:
Brooke & Hancock
Careers & Trades in Local 495
More than a job, it’s a career! With UA Local 495, you’ll earn great pay, great benefits, and a pension. Our union tradespeople work in oil refineries, paper mills, nuclear power plants, manufacturing plants, hospitals, the automotive industry and more! With the UA’s training and certification, you’ll be learning and working alongside the very best, while making transporting America’s energy possible.
Pipefitters & Steamfitters
Pipefitters and steamfitters are specialists who plan, design, install and maintain piping systems for water, power and more.
Union plumbers provide clean, safe water by installing and maintaining piping used for drinking water systems, stormwater systems, wastewater treatment plants and more.
Welders work anywhere metals and alloys can be joined together. Learn specialty piping for highly technical jobs.
HVACR Service Technicians are highly-trained professionals who install all the systems associated with heating, cooling & refrigeration.